You're probably wondering how to tell the difference between the real Steve and the fake Beaver. The main difference is in the way they are written and their tone, which makes the differences quite clear. If you look at the spelling and compare them side by side, you will notice a very big difference in both the letters.
To start, WL is much more formal and WLM is much more informal. For example, when I am writing about the products on the WL website, I use lower case letters and avoid capitalization. I prefer to stick with capitalized words, and only use single and double quotes. On the other hand, I prefer to use all caps and use the word "like" instead of "use." So I use "use," not "like." While that makes me sound a bit more formal, I still have my own voice, which is what I want when I write about WL products. And that is exactly what I want to do.
In my opinion, you can tell the difference easily by how many times I use the word "like"use." I like to stick with a certain type of language when writing articles and reviews. This is especially important when it comes to skin care products. If you are going to use the words like "try," "try before you buy," and "buy now" when talking about any product, it is best to use lower case letters. These can be read easily by the average person. For example, when I write about "buy now "buy now, try it," I always put the lettering between the "a" and the "t" or between the "a "d."